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Meet the trustees

Meet the trustees

We are very lucky to have a dedicated team of Trustees who support SWEDA and who have a wide range of skills and experience that they can bring to the charity. Our Trustees ensure that SWEDA has a clear strategy and that our work and goals are in line with our vision. They meet once every six weeks with our Chief Executive.

Meet the trustees

Karen has enjoyed a number of roles within the healthcare world, eventually moving to consultancy, becoming a partner in a global organisation, advising health and education clients across the UK, Europe and Asia, eventually living in Hong Kong for almost 3 years, afterwhich she worked with what is now Somerset NHS Foundation Trust. Here, was where she first encountered working closely with the voluntary sector, including SWEDA and could see how by working together, people who needed support really got the best outcomes possible. It was in this role that Karen supported the development of system-wide bids for Transformation Funding which led to the development of Open Mental Health which is seen as a national great example of the importance  of linking the NHS, Public Health and Voluntary together. Karen had always planned to give back once she reduced my working days. Having seen first-hand the great work that SWEDA did, she was keen to work with Paula and her team and having joined as a trustee, she became Chair in November 2023. She  feels very proud to be the Chair at such an exciting time, when we will be building on our success and delivering to new communities across the South and West. Our new name and brand marks this change and Karen and all the trustees are very excited about the future we can see with the whole SWEDA team.


Circular close-up of Trustee Sarah Hall

Sarah likes to be busy, successfully combining her role as a Trustee of SWEDA with a full time job in marketing and home life as a mother of three young children. Sarah enjoys the variety of issues that Trustees need to consider and is never afraid to stand up for clients of SWEDA or what she believes to be right. Although now fully recovered, she had both Anorexia and Bulimia in her twenties. This very personal experience of eating disorders brings a unique point of view to the Board of Trustees and ensures that decisions are made with the users’ best interests in mind.

Hannah is a Body Image and Eating Disorder Researcher currently leading on the delivery and evaluation of ‘The Body Project’ schools program at the University of Gloucestershire. This follows her PhD in Psychology at Queen Mary University of London where she studied the broader implementation of ‘The Body Project’ program in the UK, specifically looking at a cultural adaptation with South Asian women and girls. She also has a background in mental health policy in the charity sector and was seconded as a UKRI Policy Fellow supporting the Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiries into body image and children and young people’s mental health during her PhD. She also supervises student research projects on University College London’s MSc in Eating Disorders and Clinical Nutrition and is a Fellow at the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit where she supports the involvement of lived experience researchers. She has also been trained as a Master Trainer for ‘The Body Project’ and has presented her work on ‘The Body Project’ at many national and international conferences. Hannah has recently moved from London to the South West to be closer to her beautiful nephews - Wilfred and Stanley.

Ian joined SWEDA after working in Healthcare management and director positions since 2014. He has led on large scale NHS projects including the NHSE Vanguard programme in Somerset, which won two national awards. In 2017 Ian won the iCare award for leadership, recognising his contribution to the Vanguard programme. He specialises in transformation, change and business development in healthcare, most recently holding the position of Managing Director for Somerset Primary Healthcare. Before working in the NHS, Ian was a Director in marketing, business advice and bespoke software agencies having studied marketing to degree level. Ian is passionate about the work of SWEDA and is extremely proud to be a Trustee for the Charity.

Circular close-up of Trustee Meg Potts

Meg has focused her career so far on empowering and supporting others, starting as a child protection social worker and now as a Volunteer Coordinator for the National Domestic Abuse Helpline. In addition to these roles, she has also worked for the Peace Corps, moving to Ecuador where she managed projects focusing on youth development and gender equality. In her free time, Meg can usually be found training jiu jitsu and MMA, or camping (when English weather allows). She is excited to join the SWEDA team, and is looking forward to being part of and contributing to its impressive growth and development.

Edward is committed to seeking out and empowering voices that are often unheard in society. He works full-time as a minister in the Church of England and enjoys the variety of challenges and experiences that this brings. Previously he worked in local government delivering a range of regeneration, heritage, and strategic asset development projects in Somerset. Edward joined SWEDA because of his own experience of disordered eating and through his role he hopes to support SWEDA as it continues to expand and reach more clients. He is inspired by the transformative effect SWEDA’s services can have on those in need. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and walking. He also likes to be adventurous with days off and can often be found exploring European cites while poorly attempting the language.

Rebecca is an advanced nurse specialist who has worked in eating disorders for the past 9 years. Her role involves the co-ordination and running of the Dorset eating disorders service physical health clinics and she is also lead liaison practitioner for all patients within an acute hospital setting. Rebecca is also a recovered voice within her service having suffered from an eating disorder during her teenage/ early adult years. Rebecca recognises that knowledge is power for patients and carers and she is passionate about developing and improving services for them. Rebecca lives in Poole with her partner and 7 year old son and enjoys spending her spare time at the beach and with her family and friends.

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